LP to MP3 Conversion

LP to MP3 Conversion

Do you have rare or hard-to-find LP’s, 45’s, or 78’s that you value and treasure and would like to preserve by having them converted to a digital MP3 format?  We have your answer!  Our LP to MP3 Conversion Service.

At Rip ‘n’ Play, not only can we convert the music to a digital format, but we can clean up the sound by removing the crackling and hiss inherent in LP’s.  Your records will have never sounded so good!

Our process will begin by spinning your record on a 1970’s vintage European turntable coupled with a complimenting period pre-amplifier to produce the rich warm and smooth tones audiophiles demand. We then convert your sound to digital format and then using our own proprietary process we remove the crackles and the hisses leaving you with only the smoothest sound possible. You won’t believe your ears.

We also recognize how valuable your vintage albums are to you, so we never handle your vinyl or album jackets with our hands. Rubber gloves are worn at all times when in contact with your albums to protect your precious collection from oils and dirt that could cause damage.

woman-holding-recordAs with all of our conversions your LP to MP3 conversions go through our custom 3-Step RIP-N-TAGTM  file tagging process to ensure compatibility with all MP3 playback programs and devices.

To get started with your LP to MP3 conversion please fill out our easy contact form and our technical specialists will contact you within 24 hours or you can call us at (714) 849-6344.